C Carbon; Capacitance/Capacitor
C-band 4-6 GHz (3.7-4.2 downlink, 5.925-6.425 uplink)
C/N Carrier to Noise ratio
C3 Command, Control and Communicate
C4 Controlled Collapse Component Connection
Ca Calcium
CA CIM Architecture
CAA CIM Applications Architecture
CAB Competitive Analysis Benchmarking
CAD Computer-Aided Design
CADT Control Application Development tool
CAE Computer-Aided Engineering
CAF Controlled Ambient Facility; Cathotic Annodic Filaments
CAFM Computer Aided Facilities Management
CAG Competitive Analysis Group
CAGE Commercial And Government Entity
CAI Computer-Assisted Instruction
CAIBE Chemically-Assisted Ion Beam Etching
CALS Computer-Aided Logistics Support (Air Force Program)
CAM Computer-Aided Manufacturing; Content Addressable Memory
CAPP Computer Aided Process Planning
CAPS Computer-Assisted Problem Solving
CAR Computer-Aided Research; Computer-Aided Repair
CARRI Computerized Assessment of Relative Risk Impacts
CASE Computer-Aided Software Engineering; Computer-Aided Systems Engineering
CAT Computer-Aided Testing; Conditional Access Table
CAW Construction Analysis Workgroup
CAWC Cryogenic Aerosol Wafer Cleaning
CB Carbon Black; Conduction Band; Common Base configuration
CBA Cell-Based Architecture
CBD Convergent Beam Diffraction
CBE Chemical Beam Epitaxy, aka MOMBE
CBED Convergent Beam Electron Diffraction
CBGA Ceramic Ball Grid Array
CBM Conduction Band Minimum
CBS Chemical Bottle Storage Area
CBT Computer-Based Training
CC Chip Carrier; Cluster Controller; Common Collector; Composite Capabilities
CCAPS Circuit Assembly and Processing System
CCC Ceramic Chip Carrier
CCD Charge Coupled Device; Configuration Coordinate Diagram
CCSA China Communications Standards Association
CCSL Compatible Current-Sinking Logic
CCW Counter ClockWise
Cd Cadmium
CD Critical Dimension; Compact Disc
CDA Copper Development Association; Clean Dry Air
CDB Cell Delineation Block device
CDE Chemical Downstream Etch
CDEM Customer Delivery Enterprise Model
CDI Collector-Diffusion Isolation
CDM Common Device Model for SAB
CDMA Code Division Multiple Access (handsets)
CDO Controlled Decomposition/Oxidation
CD/OL Critical Dimension Overlay
CDR Chemical Distribution Room; Compact Disc Rewriteable/Recordable; CorelDraw image format; Clock and Data Recovery
CDR format; Clock and Data Recovery
CD-ROM Compact Disc Read-Only Memory
Ce Cerium
CE Capillary Electrophoresis; Common Emitter
CEA Constant Efficiency Amplifier; Consumer Electronics Association
CEC Cell Evaluation Chip
CEE Control Execution Environment
CEF Crystal Electric Field
CEM Continuous Emissions Monitoring
CEN Comité Européen de Normalisation; European Committee for Standardization
centi 1.00E-2 (1/100; symbolized by the prefix c)
CEPT COMETS Equipment Performance Tracking
CER-DIP CERamic Dual In-line Package
Cf Californium
CFA Component Failure Analysis
CFC ChloroFluoroCarbon
CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics
CFI CAD Framework Initiative; Common Flash-memory Interface
CFM Contamination-Free Manufacturing; Continuous Flow Manufacturing; Cubic Foot per Minute
CFMRC Contamination-Free Manufacturing Research Center
CFP Ceramic Flat Pack
CGA Compressed Gas Association; Column Grid Array
CGBA Ceramic Ball Grid Array
CGM Computer Graphics Metafile image format
CHF Critical Heat Flux
CHR Communication History Report
CHTML Compact Hypertext Markup Language
CI Confidence Interval
CIC Cleanroom Interface Chamber
CID Charge-injection device
CIDf Content ID form
CIE Computer-Integrated Engineering
CIM Computer-Integrated Manufacturing
CIM-OSA Computer-Integrated Manufacturing-Open Systems Architecture (ESPRIT program)
CIP Continuous Improvement Program
CIS Center for Integrated Systems; Copper Indium Selenide
CISC Complex Instruction Set Computer
CITIS Contractor Integrated Technical Information Services
Cl Chlorine
CL CathodoLuminescence
CLC Cancel Lot Cycle
CLCC Ceramic Leaded Chip Carrier
CLIC Closed-Loop Intensity Control
CLIW Customized Long Instruction Word
CLP Windows clipboard image format
Cm Curium
CM Configuration Management; Cassette Module
CMA Cylindrical Mirror Analyzer
CMC Cassette Module Controller; Copper Molly Copper
cmil Circular mil
CML Current Mode Logic
CMM Capability Maturity Model
CMOS Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor
CMP Chemical Mechanical Polishing
CMR Common-Mode Rejection ratio; Cancel Move Request
CMS Coordinate Measuring System; Content Management System
CMT Cadmium Mercury Telluride; Chip Mounting Technology
CMTS Cable Modem Termination System
CMTS Cable Modem Termination System
CMUG Cost Modeling Users Group
CMX Corel clipart image format
CNC Computer Numerical Control; Condensation Nucleus Counter
CNDO Complete Neglect of Differential Overlap
CNS Central Nervous System
Co Cobalt
COB Chip-On-Board
COC Cost Of Consumables
COD Consumed Oxygen Demand
COFDM Coded Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex
COFF Universal format for binary files (not standard)
COFI Codec Filter
COFISLIC Codec Filter and Subscriber Line Interface Circuit
COGS Cost Of Goods Sold
COED Computer Optimized Experimental Design
COL Characteristic Orange Luminescence
COM Component Object Model
COO Chief Operating Officer; Cost Of Ownership
COOL Cost Of Ownership Luminator (Wright, Williams, & Kelly)
CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture
CORE Composite Object Reference
COSS Common Object Services Specification
COT Customer-Owned Tooling
CP Process capability; Chip Place; Capability Performance
CP/M Computer Program/Maintenance
CPA Charged Particle Analysis
CPD Contact Potential Differences; Concurrent product development; Common Path Distortion
CPE Communications, Participation, and Education program; Customer Premises Equipment
CPGA Ceramic Pin Grid Array
CPID Common Path Intermodulation Distortion
CPK Process capability index
CPL Capability Performance, Lower
CPLD Complex Programmable Logic Device
CPU Central Processing Unit; Capability Performance, Upper
CQFP Ceramic Quad Flat Pack
CQN Closed-Queuing Network
Cr Chromium
CR Cyclotron Resonance
CRADA Cooperative Research And Development Agreement
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
CRID Content Reference IDentifier
CRL Certificate Revocation List
CRM Cost/Resource Model; Consumer Relationship Management
CRO Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
CRT Cathode Ray Tube
Cs Cesium
CSA CIM Systems Architecture; Canadian Standards Agency; Conceil Supérieur de l'Audiovisuel
CSE Control Systems Engineering Department
CSF Critical Success Factor
CSG Constructive Solids Geometry
CSIC Customer Specific Integrated Circuit
CSL Current-Steering Logic
CSMA/CD Carrier-Sense, Multiple-Access/Collision Detection
CSP Chip Scale Package
CSP Chip Scale Package
CSPED Concurrent Semiconductor Production and Equipment Development
CSR Consumer Service Representative
CSS Cascading Style Sheets language
CST CIM Systems Technology
CSTR Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor
CSU Channel Service Unit
CSV Comma-Separated Variable
CT Cycle Time
CTC Cluster Tool Controller; Counter Timer Circuit
CTE Coefficient of Thermal Expansion
CTEM Conventional Transmission Electron Microscopy
CTF Contrast Transfer Function
CTI Cycle Time Improvement
CTL Complementary Transistor Logic
CTMC Cluster Tool Modular Communications
Cu Copper
CUB Central Utility Building
CUBES Capacity Utilization Bottleneck Efficiency System
CUI Common User Interface
CUSUM CUmulative Sum
CUT Dr Halo image format
CV Capacitance-to-Voltage; Curriculum Vitae
CVC Chemical Vapor Cleaning
CVCM Collected Volatile Condensable Materials
CVD Chemical Vapor Deposition
CVS Cyclic Voltammetry Stripping
CW Continuous Wave; ClockWise
CWDM Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing
CYM CYcle Model
CZ CZochralski Process
CZT Cadmium Zinc Telluride

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